Get a complete view of your travel and expense program with PredictX
Understand total trip costs, see where leakage and hidden spend occurs, and transform your grasp of your travellers’ behaviour
Unlock the full power of your travel and expense data with PredictX. Designed specifically for T&E managers, this intuitive extension of PredictX's platform enables you to craft and customize reports with ease. Whether you're responding to new reporting requests or automating complex data tasks, Hollywood Studio places the control in your hands. With no technical expertise required, you can create dynamic dashboards, insightful visualizations, and comprehensive reports that drive decision-making. Transform your data into actionable intelligence and tell the story that matters to your business.
Key Features:
Complete view of all your TMCs, cards and expenses systems
All sources aligned with your policies, corporate structure, and preferred programs
Compliance management, non-preferred channel compliance
Behavioral insights, Actual behaviour different from booking (booked in one hotel, staying in another)
Key Benefits:
Improved supplier management, manage negotiated rates for non-availability
Savings opportunity, managed program gaps
Cost reduction, vendor upselling or halo activity and its impact on spend with a vendor
Improved compliance management, opportunity to action non-compliance strategies
Identify and reduce leakage, accurate and actionable leakage information
How it works:
Data ingestion:
We ingest 200+ travel and expense data sources,
validate them based on ML models, cleanse and consolidate the data lake.
We utilize industry-leading methodology, including accurate adjusted distances and emissions output
by aircraft type.
Reliable data:
We provide deep dive insights across your entire program to provide real impact insight, performance vs goals and budgets, model equivalencies and offsets applicable to your business, and generate forecasted emissions based on current activity for effective planning.
Actionable insights:
We provide reliable and accurate segment data,
taking advantage of the PredictX knowledge engine
and data lake.